Adultery and self-pity


18 August 2006


‘My affair ruined two families’

To summarize this blizzard of self-pity, this woman was married with three daughters and living a nice middle-class existence. Then she met a guy she flirted with, felt justified in having an affair because her children were growing up and “had reached a point where I was just crying out to have a mid-life crisis.” She began an affair and was seeing the guy whilst her husband, Andy, was out at work. When her husband found out he stupidly forgave her and took her back, and she immediately resumed her adulterous affair.

“I was like a teenager. My feelings had spiralled out of control and I couldn’t think straight,” she says.

Typical refusal to accept responsibility. My feeeeh-lings were out of control it wasn’t meeee!

Her husband, Andy, found out about the continuing affair. Either because he was a total mangina, or more likely because he was worried about the devastation divorce would have on the kids and his finances, he took her back in for a second time.

Within days she wife was banging her lover behind Andy’s back.

Andy found out, they split up and his wife left him for her lover. Fortunately for Andy he remained in the home with his daughters.

Things are not so brilliant for his wife. Her lover, who himself was married, decided to stay with his own family and spurned her. Now she has no-one.

Home is now a rented room nearby, which she has lined with a few mementoes grabbed when she left her house and family for her lover, Jeremy, two months ago.

She is facing disciplinary action at work, for taking too much time off, and her three daughters, not to mention her husband, are devastated.

Tough. Shit.

“Andy was a perfect husband, and a wonderful father. He didn’t deserve all the hurt I’ve caused.

“I’ve lost my home, my job is hanging in the balance. Worst of all I’ve lost the respect of my husband and my daughters, who are barely speaking to me. I can’t believe I’ve been such a fool.”

I can. I can believe it very much.

Women find it easy to justify adultery in this day and age of being endlessly told it’s okay if their husband isn’t fulfilling their emotional neeeeds. Furthermore this is a rare case of a woman who actually didn’t get the house and kids after committing adultery, and even then it’s only because she left in the belief her lover would take her in. If she stayed put and filed for divorce, it would be most likely that Andy – who even his ex-wife admits was “perfect” – would nonetheless, through no fault of his own, be the poor sod living in a little flat staring at photos of children he rarely sees.

posted by Duncan Idaho @ 5:20 PM

At 6:06 PM, ChicagoMan said…

yup, Selfish little spoiled bitch.

When the going gets tough, the women ALWAYS RUN, and never take any responsibility for their actions.

If we all acted upon our impulses and didn’t practice restraint, the world would be fucked… Oh wait I forget, only men practice restraint anyways. This is why things are in such dire straits.


At 6:23 PM, nevo said…

I have read this article in the June issue of EVE magazine for woman. The whole article is posted in my blog.

Some American women seem just as willing to get their sexual kicks from schoolboys. In March, Lisa Lynette Clark, 37, from Georgia, was jailed for nine months after falling pregnant and marrying a 15 year old, as allowed by state law. Three months earlier, newly-wed Debra laFave, 26, from Florida, was sentenced to house arrest after sleeping with a 14 year old boy and, in November, Sandra Geisel, a 42 year old teacher from Albany, was sentenced to six months in jail after having sex with a student.
This might seem like the beginning of a sexually charged trend but, according to psychologist Petra Boynton, some women have always been willing to throw caution (not to mention their careers and marriages) to the wind when it comes to sex with under-age teenagers. “These relations have always existed” she says, but we hear about it more when an older woman seduces a schoolboy. The newspaper think: “Wow, that’s a great story”, and splash it all over the front pages.

No one should be surprised at this development. I bet my hard earned money that we’ll be hearing a lot more of these stories, in the years ahead.
The feminist have liberated them, now they are independant, free to burn their bras anytime they pleased, and throw their lives to the wind.

So what nobody cares anymore!!!!

If a man behaves in this manner, he surely gets a minimum of five years for statutory rape.
Alas! Men can always claim that the sentence is sexually discriminatory.




At 6:47 PM, Anonymous said…

There weren’t 3 children in that family. Add her and you got 4.


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous said…

It was Andy’s fault for not being a biker thug. If he would have smacked her around a few times she would still be with him. Stability and prosperity is so boring. She needed drama and excitement and all he could offer was money to pay for everything she wanted and a roof over her head. Andy is so selfish. Bastard. Her needs are the priority. Even ahead of her children. Remember, the WOMAN is always the eldest child in the house.


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous said…

If we all acted upon our impulses and didn’t practice restraint, the world would be fucked… Oh wait I forget, only men practice restraint anyways. This is why things are in such dire straits.

Correct. That’s how things were before the Patriarchy was developed. Animal-like impulses and reactions. Day to day existence. This was the millions of years of pre-history, pre-civilization. The Matriarchy ruled then. Patriarchy is at least half destroyed now and we are seeing the results.


At 9:03 PM, nevo said…

And how about this one?

Thus, robust health and infection resistance, while desirable in a potential husband, are not the be-all and end-all. Behavior traits indicating attachment, loyalty, nurturance, and kindness are more important than a tight six-pack. Men instinctively worry about these things less because they know women are more certain of parentage and thus more tightly bonded to their children. Fitness-to-raise also means that indicators of success and social status count for more in men. Men marry health and beauty, women marry security and good prospects.

There is, however, one important exception — one circumstance under which women are just as physical, beauty-oriented, and “shallow” in their mating preferences as men. That’s when they’re cheating.

Both sexes have a genetic-diversity incentive to screw around, but it manifests in different ways. Again, the reason is parentage uncertainty. For a man, diversity tactics are simple — boff as many hot babes as possible, accepting that you don’t know which of their kids are yours and counting on stronger maternal bonding to ensure they will have at least one devoted parent around. Because a woman can be more sure of who her offspring are, her most effective diversity tactic is different — get married to a good provider and then cheat on him.

Under those circumstances, she doesn’t have to value good character in a mating partner as much; hubby, who can’t tell the kids aren’t his, will supply that. Thus the relative value of handsomeness goes up when a woman is taking a lover on the sly. Marrying the lord and screwing the gardener is an old game, and from a genetic-selfishness point of view a very effective one.

I say!
When It happens, don’t even bother, it is nature way to improve the stock.



At 9:19 PM, Playboy said…

RE: “Home is now a rented room nearby”

First, she likely got a fat divorce settlement and is also getting alimony. In addition, she’ll be living in some other guy’s house within two years.

In her defense, her body her choice. Nobody owns her, she can bang anybody she wants. No rule in the legal contract they signed that she is either required to have sex with him or not have sex with others. There is no criminal statute that she can’t bang whoever she wants.

Marriage is stupid and sh!t like this happens all the time. Hell, we don’t ACTUALLY know that all of those kids are even his. Think of all those years he worked his azz off to pay for that house SHE wanted, the two minivans SHE wanted, all the fancy-shoes and purses and everything else SHE wanted… he could have spend all those years doing things HE wanted if he hadn’t gotten married.


At 11:43 PM, phoenix said…

Adultery used to be a crime, now feminism has made it accepted behavior, unless of course it’s the husband having sex with other women, then he’s a cheater and should be considered scum.

What do we even need society for anyway? Let’s get rid of all this stuff, all the cell phones, computers, cars, etc, and just farm the land and fuck each other. That’s what women and politicians seem to want anyway, so lets give it to everyone. Then I won’t have to work my ass off for a living anymore.


At 12:00 AM, Anonymous said…

Men want quantity, women want quality. Men are disoriented by this drive and women become singularly focused. A man is not even close to being clear headed until his sex drive drops. If there is one thing women aren’t wishy washy about, it’s who is the alpha male. Obviously there is a blending of these two qualities within the sexes, but as a trend, it is factual.


At 12:41 AM, Anonymous said…

Its the LAWS that are evil people.

Evil laws result in evil behaviors by putting incentives in the wrong places. Its as if we all played with big toy play sharks when we were kids with soft inflatable teeth that couldn’t hurt you and then go swimming in the ocean.

You get your arm bit off. Thats what feminists ideology does to women when authors like Gloria Stienem writes books entitled “Women who had Affairs and didn’t Regret it One Bit” (real subtitle to a book she wrote many years ago). Such stuff would be unthinkable if the divorce laws were fair.

The economic risk would be too high, and this “fling” stuff would end.


At 2:29 AM, mfsob said…

“If she stayed put and filed for divorce, it would be most likely that Andy – who even his ex-wife admits was “perfect” – would nonetheless, through no fault of his own, be the poor sod living in a little flat staring at photos of children he rarely sees.”

Exactly right. Because that’s what happened to me.


At 2:59 AM, Tony Sclafani said…

I read this story and think you Brits have it easy. In America, the media would have found a way to blame the husband, which is what they always do. Then some lawyer would have come along on her behalf and offered to sue everyone — her lover, husband, ect. Then she’d be given her own advice column or talk show, or go on Oprah.
No bad act by a woman ever goes unrewarded in the USA!


At 8:06 AM, Captain Zarmband said…

I suppose this selfish bitch expects us to feel sorry for her. How much sympathy would a man get if he’d done this? Most men who have wives who do this kind of thing end up losing their home, their kids and a large chunk of their future income. It’s unlikely that long term this will happen to her. In all likelyhood a large divorce settlement awaits and it’s very unlikely that she’ll lose contact with her kids. In all probability she’ll find another mug to bankroll her lifestyle by opening her legs for some sucker. She’s not living with her kids at the moment… she paying child support? I bet she isn’t even though she’s working. Women never do!


At 9:52 AM, The 2nd Nin said…

Marriage contracts. Set out legally the purpose, duration and requirements for the marriage as well as the penalties for leaving early,cheating, abuse etc…

Thus we can have short term “kid = kid +1” contracts where the explict aim is to have a child (and the other party helps fund it for n years according to the contract), or longer term “relationship” contracts.


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous said…

Men want quantity, women want quality.

Bullsh*t. I started out wanting quality. You know, that one special someone, voyage to the end of eternity, all that bollocks.

After a couple of years in a heavily female environment you accept that she doesn’t exist, that the company of men is preferable in all things but sex and what you (or at least I) really want is an indefinite number of lovable naive tarts without pretensions.

I started out wanting commitment, and on a deep level still do, but like the article reinforces there is no sense putting your knackers on the anvil for something as spoilt, fickle, tiresome and deluded as a modern woman.


At 10:33 AM, Anonymous said…

Even Brad Pitt is apparently stuck with a crazy woman now. I bet he wishes that he didn’t leave Jennifer Anniston now. Look at the mess he is in described in the article above with that bipolar weirdo he married.


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous said…

What an utter fool this woman was for not following standard female procedure.

1. Get married, get house, get cars, get kids.

2. Find lover on the sly, persecute husband into leaving.

3. Get lawyer, initiate divorce, claim husband was “abusive” etc.

4. Get kids, get house, get cars, get child support, get alimony, get lover to move in.

5. Ex husband commits suicide in his betsit a few years later.

Happy ending for her.


At 5:03 PM, Christopher in Oregon said…

My brother came home one day to find his wife in bed with another woman, and he promptly sued for divorce. His blushing bride took his four children, the house, the cars and got 73% of his income in child support and spousal support. He now resides in The Netherlands, never to return. This is what happens in the corrupt family courts in the good old USA.

Women have always cheated and always will.

That’s why they all have herpes. And cervical cancer. And warts. And Chlamydia. And……


At 1:16 AM, mfsob said…

Hmmmmm, you know, now I’m beginning to wonder if these “epidemics” of female STDs are really just God’s way of getting even with them for turning into evil, self-centered skanks?


At 3:18 PM, Thunderchild said…

Personally, I prefer married women. They don’t yell, they don’t tell and they’re grateful as all hell !!


At 9:37 PM, Verlch said…

In bed with a woman, I might have stuck around for that one!!!

I’ve heard of many of men that have left for Europe on account of divorce in America.

There are greener pastures, and If I was held down the barrel of those CS ass hats I would leave as well.


At 5:56 AM, Viking said…

It’s funny how almost universally a woman will not leave her husband (or boyfriend) until she has (or thinks she has) another man to go to. Like that dating truism, if your girlfriend says “Lets see other people.” she already is. It never fails, their willingness to trade up. No loyalty. But rarely do they want to be alone. Thus all the 30 somethings freaking out about not being able to land a man and instead buying cats.

But then when it comes to a man leaving them they think we are just like them. They assume that we must be seeing someone else. Sometimes that’s the case but very often a man just wants out of a crappy relationship and no relationship will do just fine.

When I told my ex that I have had enough of her shit, she asked me if I was leaving her for someone else. And I could tell from her eyes and the way that she talked that she just couldn’t believe that there was no one else. I think the truth was even more painful to her. The fact was, being alone and lonely, even for the rest of my life, was better than living with her.


At 2:48 PM, Anonymous said…

But I thought that 40 was the new Adolescence! And that Women in their 40s have it going on. Oprah says so. It must be true. Too bad Women have an expiration date and Men don’t.



At 1:04 PM, Masculist Man said…

Things are not so brilliant for his wife. Her lover, who himself was married, decided to stay with his own family and spurned her. Now she has no-one.

Serves her fucking right.


At 1:10 PM, Masculist Man said…

In her defense, her body her choice. Nobody owns her, she can bang anybody she wants. No rule in the legal contract they signed that she is either required to have sex with him or not have sex with others. There is no criminal statute that she can’t bang whoever she wants.

It sounds to me like you are excusing her actions.


At 9:15 AM, Masculist Man said…

Hmmmmm, you know, now I’m beginning to wonder if these “epidemics” of female STDs are really just God’s way of getting even with them for turning into evil, self-centered skanks?

Good point.


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