Archive for the ‘divorce’ Category

Gold-digger starts digging some more
July 8, 2007


02 July 2006


“LOL! I’ve managed to steal a man’s hard-earned fortune. I am teh most independentest womyn around!!”

Melissa, the £5m divorcee, finds another rich man

She landed one of the biggest divorce settlements in British legal history when her husband, a high-flying City executive, was recently ordered to pay her £5million for less than three years of marriage.

Now Melissa Miller has found herself a new wealthy suitor – in the form of another successful City gent, Lloyd’s underwriter Julian Bowen-Rees.

If – sorry, when – the whore gets round to ripping this guy off I won’t have any sympathy I’m afraid. Men, and especially rich ones, should know better. All women are risky to marry, financially speaking, in particular some cunt like this who has already stolen one man’s fortune.


Abandon kids!
July 8, 2007


22 June 2006

How CAN a mother leave her children?

For most women, it’s the one bond they’d never break. But as this special report reveals, an increasing number are walking out on their families.

I guess feminists will argue women are all independent these days, so why should they be tied down to being responsible for a family? But then they’ll foam with rage at the idea of an evil man doing the same thing.

This is one whore’s pathetic and snooty attempt at justifying her decision to walk out on her family:

With incredible understatement, she says: “Oh, they [her children] were completely devastated, just as any six and seven-year-old would be. They didn’t understand — it was really hard.”

Not hard enough to stop Lesley walking out of her marital home and moving to London to pursue her dream of becoming a writer — a decision she doesn’t regret.

“When I meet new people now I’m not particularly upfront about it,” she says. “It’s not that I don’t want to admit that I left my family, but I get so fed up of people seeing me as this awful mother who left her kids, without actually getting to know me first.

“People say you have a responsibility to children. Well, you’ve got a responsibility to yourself, because if you can’t be the sort of person you want to be, then how can you be the sort of person you want to be for your children?”

Such utter selfishness. All about her and her feeeeelings. Check out the crap about having to the sort of person she wants to be. Straight out of Cosmopolitan or Oprah. Oh, and she is an awful mother too. An absolutely shit one. It doesn’t matter how much someone gets to know her.


Child Support
July 8, 2007


16 June 2006

Nothing to do with supporting children.

The age old history of father’s place in our families was overturned in the feminist century. By the end of the feminist century a family was redefined as “a mother and her children.” There is no father in the feminazi definition of “family.” When she uses the feminist law of “no fault divorce” to leave her hard working husband and take half of his money, she now is awarded “custody” of the children by default.

Great piece.


More older people divorcing
July 8, 2007


12 June 2006

Older couples fuelling rise in divorce rates

A growing number of break-ups in long-established marriages is having a marked effect on divorce rates.

The relentless climb in broken marriages, traditionally dominated by younger couples who have spent a relatively short time together, is being increasingly driven by older couples.

Hardly surprising though, is it? Women can retire for life on what they can steal from husbands, all thanks to the divorce courts.

Analysts believe the change has occurred because women now feel more financially independent and have become happy to strike out on their own rather than remaining in unhappy marriages.

Hahah! Financially independent. Umm…are these the same women who whine that they can’t (or, more accurately, won’t) provide for themselves and so demand the house and maintenance payments? The same women who need Child Support?

It is us men who are independent, and many would like to leave unhappy marriages, but can’t thanks to the knowledge we’ll be financially knackered and done over in the divorce courts, and lose custody of children.


How to fix your husband
July 8, 2007


05 June 2006


The Times used to be a prestigious and respectable newspaper, but nowadays it’s becoming as dumbed down and as feminized (two things that go hand in hand) like virtually every other media outlet.

Check out this pitiful article that would be more at home in Cosmopolitan or Chat:

Fix a faulty husband

Five years ago Julie Bell and Donna Brown had both had enough of their marriages. Their husbands, Phillip and Dave, were jobless and useless, loafing miserably around the house all day, drinking too much and rarely addressing a civil word to their wives or kids. Meanwhile, Julie and Donna, who are both United Airlines executives in Chicago but at that time scarcely knew each other, were climbing the corporate ladder, working 60-hour weeks.

Now to be fair, if this is true, I can perhaps have some sympathy. But then again, I don’t. How many women are proud to be crap wives, are actually boastful that they don’t work but don’t do any housework either, but just treat their husband like a doormat? Why should us guys try to be good husbands when so few women want to be good wives? Hell, these women sound like crap wives; aggressive, spiteful, domineering harpies.


More co-habitation stuff
July 8, 2007


31 May 2006

Q&A: Cohabitation rights

Law reform body the Law Commission is considering whether unmarried couples who live together should win rights to share each other’s wealth if they split up.

Share each other’s wealth = woman steals man’s wealth. Also see: divorce, Child Support

The issue has perhaps been given more urgency by the law lords’ ruling on divorce which opens up the prospect of generous lifetime payments to spouses…

Yup. Those solicitors and feminists, in league with one another, have seen a great way of making money that will bypass the marriage strike. “Let’s financially eviscerate men who refuse to tie the knot but were silly enough to let a woman move in with them!”

[T]he key question of how long a couple must live together before benefiting has to be decided. A period of two years has been suggested.

Some lawyers argue this will lead to one or other partner seeking to end the relationship at one year 11 months in order to avoid the financial obligations which would follow a later separation.

You’re fuckin’ right it will. And guess which “partner” will be bailing out? The man, as he’s the one who will be in line for a financial bum-raping.


Life of luxury, courtesy of an ex-husband
July 8, 2007


31 May 2006


Britain’s biggest spending women?

My jewellery collection is so valuable it’s kept in a vault at Harrods. I spend £16,000 a month on socialising, £20,000 on clothes and own property worth £2million. My luxury lifestyle comes courtesy of my ex-husband.


Although I didn’t get a huge lump sum when we divorced in 1995, after three years of marriage, it’s his generous monthly maintenance payments that fund my extravagances.

Truly sickening.

She’s a spounger, a worthless sack of shit, and the fact that she’s proud of pissing away so much money – someone else’s money! – on crap yet clearly hasn’t worked to earn a penny of it makes her an utter waste of fucking oxygen.


Fore II
July 8, 2007


29 May 2006

Faldo facing £15million divorce

Nick Faldo is facing a £15million divorce payout following the breakdown of his third marriage to the woman he declared was ‘The One’.

Like fellow golfer Colin Montgomerie, Nick Faldo is about to be taken to the cleaners.

It’s his third marriage and his last one cost him £7million. You’d think he would have learned!

Miss Bercher gave up work to accompany him on tour full-time and later bring up their daughter Emma Scarlet, who was born in July 2003.

It means Faldo is likely to be hit hard by last week’s landmark ruling by the Law Lords, which will lead to bigger settlements for women who give up work to support their husbands.

That doesn’t make sense. Women don’t give up work to “support their husbands”, they give up work because their husbands support them!


More proposals to let goldiggers screw men over
July 8, 2007


28 May 2006

Ex-lovers could claim maintenance like divorcees

Of course, given that this sort of stuff is never applied when it may favour a man, that headline should properly read Ex-girlfriends could claim maintenance like divorced women.

The Law Commission is expected to recommend to Ministers this week that unmarried couples who have lived together for more than two years must divide their financial assets when they split up – in the same way as divorcing couples.

The proposals could lead to richer partners being forced to make regular maintenance payments to their estranged lovers.

Looks I’m going to have upgrade myself from an Eternal Bachelor to an Eternal Staying The Fuck Out Of All Relationships Forever. Apart from one-night stands, although then there’s always the chance of getting a demand for Child Support nine-months later because, oops, she ‘forgot’ to take the pill.


British Law Lords give backing to gold-digging ex-wives
July 8, 2007


24 May 2006


“We’ve financially arse-raped men in court…now you can too!”

Ex-wives win key divorce rulings

The Law Lords have ruled two ex-wives are entitled to their former husbands’ millions in landmark rulings.

Melissa Miller can keep the £5m she was awarded out of her ex-husband Alan’s £17.5m fortune, said the lords.

That was for a two-year-nine-month childless marriage.

Julia McFarlane is entitled to £250,000 a year from her ex-husband Kenneth for life – not just the five years decided by the Court of Appeal.

£250,000 a year for life. Just for successfully suckering a guy to the altar.


The entitlement syndrome
July 3, 2007

18 May 2006

The most annoying thing about modern women is their sense of entitlement with regards to everything.

Feminists as a whole have a sincere belief that they are entitled to having society – and in particular men and taxpayers – adapt to and support their absurd beliefs. They feel women are entitled to murder their unborn babies if they can’t be bothered look after them, with the taxpayers picking up the bill. The feel entitled to maternity leave on full-pay, compensation if their feelings are ‘hurt’ in the workplace, jobs they’re not qualified for through positive discrimination. They feel the world not only owes them a living but that it owes them a comfortable and responsibility-free life as well, and they feel entitled to carry on whining even when they’ve largely achieved this.

It is in individual women, however, where we see the entitlement syndrome most glaringly.

For one thing, they feel entitled to a husband. If (usually at about the age of 30 when the dates are drying up and the novelty of a career has worn off) a woman decides that she wants a husband, then she feels entitled to one. Full stop. Doesn’t matter if she would make a crap wife, if no man in his right mind (or wrong one for that matter) could possibly tolerate her, or that she’s old or a slut or has an ugly great tramp stamp; no, she wants a hubby, so she is “entitled” to one. In fact women don’t even feel that they should have to go out and find a husband, men should come and chat her up and propose, and if they don’t, cue another tantrum interspersed with some shaming language along the lines of “men are just intimidated by bitter old career skanks like me.”


Whining woman
July 3, 2007


26 April 2006

I can’t stop thinking about the fine husband I deserted

I don’t normally read advice columns but this one caught my eye in the Times, particularly the crushing weight of self-pity this woman spews forth after relating how she fucked up her own life by being selfish and disloyal, and how amusing it is that being an aging single-mother to an illegitimate brat is adequate punishment for her selfish actions.

There’s also a single sentence that makes me fucking fume. I’m sure you can spot it.

Dear Bel,

I met my ex-husband at school when we were both 17. We married at 22 and built a beautiful house together. From similar backgrounds, we shared the same sense of humour, had common goals in life and good jobs. It was idyllic in many ways. However, two years later we were having problems with our sex life. I felt that my husband was no longer treating me as a person he wanted to make love to. The sex was perfunctory and, if he’d had it his way, would have been done only when the lights were off. Around this time a man at work made a play for me. I was shocked: we were friends and he was planning his own wedding. But I was extremely flattered and, I’m ashamed to say, we had an eight-month affair.


“Earn more to pay more to your ex-wife, or else!”
July 2, 2007


07 March 2006

Divorced father told to earn more

A DOCTOR who quit his high-paying job for a quieter life after his marriage ended has been ordered to continue paying a high level of child support because he has the “potential” to earn more money. The divorced 48-year-old GP, who cannot be identified, was earning around $320,000 a year at his 24-hour surgery before he and his wife split.

The stress of the relationship ending caused him to seek a sea change, quitting his role at the surgery and taking up a part-time position at a family medical centre, being paid around $40,000 a year.

But a Child Support Agency case officer ruled the doctor’s drop in income was due to a “lifestyle choice” and ordered him to maintain yearly payments of $18,700, including the bulk of a $4000 sum for private school tuition.

It is beyond belief sometimes how amoral women can be, and how repulsively eager Western Governments can be to help them steal men’s earnings. I bet the guy’s bitch of an ex-wife is laughing her head off as she sits back, not having to work and happy that the government is obliging her ex-husband back into a higher-earning and higher-stress job to keep her as a lady of leisure.

posted by Duncan Idaho @ 6:40 PM


Rich bitches
July 1, 2007


13 February 2006

Filthy rich and female


There are now more women millionaires aged between 18 and 44 than men, according to figures from the Inland Revenue.

As a whole, it’s estimated that women currently own 48% of the nation’s personal wealth but this is predicted to rise to 60% by 2025.

Hey, great, maybe we will finally stop hearing women bleat on and on about how oppressed they are. Maybe women will start providing for us men and I can look forward to a rich career girl marry me and support me.

Well, maybe not, on both counts.

If these women are earning their cash then fair enough, and as many are self-employed then they can’t be accused of taking advantage of positive discrimination.

How some of them succeeded in business is beyond me though.


From the University of “Well, duh!”
July 1, 2007


11 February 2006

Revealed, how love makes a woman’s weight yo-yo

Women were given new food for thought yesterday about their weight. Apparently, it’s not what you eat that dictates your size – it’s love, or the lack of it. A lady’s weight fluctuates according to the state of her relationship, says a study.

So what you eat has nothing to do with putting on weight then, it all depends on whether you’re in love? No wonder women are so fat these days when they are told such crap, which in any case in contradicted later in this article.

The survey of more than 3,000 married women revealed the different stages the female figure goes through over the course of a lifetime. First comes The Honeymoon Period, when she will lose an average of 8.5lb.

This is when she’s met the man of her dreams and everything is new and exciting. She’s so keen to impress that she even orders salad for a romantic meal.

Of course, she wants that boyfriend to be so blinded with love that he’ll do anything for her, even something really fucking stupid, like propose.


July 1, 2007


02 February 2006

Monty in £15m divorce settlement

Scotland’s Colin Montgomerie has agreed a £15m divorce settlement with his former wife, according to reports.

Fifteen-bastard-million-squid!! Holy shit.

The Times newspaper reported that the Ryder Cup star’s ex-wife Eimear agreed to a one-off payment out of court – thought to be half his personal wealth.

Half his personal wealth? Why? Did she earn half of it? Did she? No, didn’t think so.

In return, she agreed to waive the right to claim on his future earnings.

Oh, how gracious of her. Such kindness, such generosity that she won’t try to steal more money off of him. Greedy whore.


Pre-meditated divorce
July 1, 2007


13 December 2005


Despite there being huge amounts of work to do, my female colleagues decided to put their feet up this afternoon and have a big long chat about Coleen McLoughlin (left), fiancee of footballer Wayne Rooney. This Coleen is basically a 19-year-old gold-digging tramp who does nothing but piss away her mega-rich (and mega-niave) boyfriend’s money on clothes and holidays. She refused to dump Rooney even after he got caught fucking hookers; that’s how much she loves his money him.

When the women at work were mocking Wayne Rooney’s slight lack of aesthetic qualities one guy observed “She only wants to drag him down the aisle because of his money.”


Scary story
June 29, 2007


07 December 2005


Gather around the campfire, fellow men, and I shall tell thee a matrimonial horror story that will make you scream and have nightmares. A story that will make you want to avoid saying “I do” the way a barefoot marathon runner avoids dogshit.

This information was supplied by a man at work, whose wife’s brother is going through – to use something of an understatement – “a messy divorce.”

This guy, my colleague’s wife’s brother, had been with a girlfriend for three-years. They had a baby together. He proposed a week after they found out they were about to become parents and their wedding took place a month after their son was born.

They are now divorced.

They had a row. That was it. An argument. Wifey filed for divorce. Hubby is ruined. I mean, totally ruined.

The marriage lasted less than 24-hours.
